Rod Pelton on Economic Opportunity for the Eastern Plains

Colorado House Representative and State Senator-Elect Rod Pelton is a third generation farmer and rancher from Colorado’s Eastern Plains. He’s an unflinching advocate for rural Colorado and has focused his time serving in the Colorado House of Representatives to drive real economic opportunities for his constituents.

Earlier this month Rep. Pelton highlighted the economic opportunities that the Colorado Power Pathway’s transmission line would bring to the Eastern Plains in a letter to the Sterling Journal-Advocate:

“Many of my constituents throughout the Eastern Plains are in the agricultural business and know first-hand how difficult and challenging the work can be, but they deserve financial security. After all, their success contributes to our local communities and our western quality of life.

One of the ways I see rural Colorado being able to experience economic growth that the Front Range has benefited from is through the potential land-lease options because of the Colorado’s Power Pathway – a $1.7 billion investment from Xcel Energy that will harness energy from the critically important rural part of the state.

Hear me out – it’s important to make it financially feasible to develop and produce the natural resources that this state offers, while we develop our renewable energy sources and make them competitive with traditional resources.

The Pathway project gives us this chance. It not only offers agricultural landowners an opportunity to make money off their property, but this investment in the region bolsters our competitive edge and positions us for greater economic prosperity.”

Click here for the full version Rep. Pelton’s letter that ran in the Sterling Journal-Advocate on December 7, 2022.