Over the next five years, Arizona is set to receive $76.5 million in federal dollars through the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Formula Program to establish publicly accessible EV charging stations along Arizona’s designated alternative fuel corridors. Current alternative fuel corridors in Arizona include the interstates; but additional corridors can be added in the future.
Arizona Department of Transportation is taking advantage of new federal funding sources and developing a long range plan to implement a statewide network of EV charging stations.
Investments in EV charging infrastructure have the potential to improve clean transportation access, enable reliable access to affordable charging, increase parity in access and adoption and enhance energy resilience, among other improvements.
ADOT will be seeking input from the public and a wide variety of agency and industry stakeholders during the preparation of the plan. Public outreach will include surveys and online and in-person public meetings. Since the initial plan will be high level, additional public input will occur after plan submission to work out the details of implementation.
The initial plan will be submitted in August 2022 and will be updated annually as new alternative fuel corridors are added and charging stations identified.